“Enfants des Andes”, for 20 years in Peru
Enfants des Andes is a Non-Governmental Organisation that is recognised of general interest in France and registered in the International Cooperation Peruvian Agency.
It is a non-profit-making “association loi 1901” [voluntary association] whose purpose is to help children facing difficult situations in Peru.
The Enfants des Andes association was created in 1992. It was founded by a Frenchwoman, Marie-Thérèse Martinez, who has been living in Peru since 2000.
In order to face the consequences of the 80s armed confrontations and the weak implication of the government as well as of the NGOs in this remote area, the association built a sheltering centre for children in TINGO MARÍA, in Amazonia.
This centre shelters 40 children in difficult situation today. It is run by a Peruvian team.
Then, in spite of the huge handicap the lack of water in the driest region of Peru represents, in 2007, the association created a “Teaching and Solidarity” centre near Nasca, in Nueva Villa shantytown, where 900 families live, that is to say about 4 000 children.
In this centre, a language school enables to teach French and English to people who work thanks to tourism: guides, tourism students, shopkeepers...
A multilingual infant and primary school was created in March 2009.
A new centre for difficult-situation-facing children opened in 2011.